Cypripedium montanum

I made this Cypripedium montanum-inspired painting in celebration of the two plants I found during my visit to Yosemite National Park. It was a dream of mine to see them growing in situ. When nature is in balance, the giant sequoias’ shaded understories can be full of incredible plant life which in turn supports diverse wildlife.

Cypripedium montanum painting

Understory Jewel (Cypripedium montanum). Transparent watercolor and soft pastel on 300lb hot press paper. 14” x 19” (36 x 48cm).

If you’re interested in purchasing a print of this piece, please tap on the image of the painting.

I will have this mixed media painting and a few others on display in the San Diego County Orchid Society’s spring show next week at the Scottish Rite Center. Details may be found here.